
Terms of Service


Article 1. Purpose

The following Terms of Service apply to SuperStar X (Hereinafter referred to as “Service”). The Service includes, but are not limited to, various websites, APIs, applications, and buttons, which are developed and arranged Vision Bridge Partners Corp. (Hereinafter referred to as “Company”). The purpose of the Terms of Service is to clearly define the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the Company and the user of the Service (Hereinafter referred to as “Member”). The Terms of Service affect the legal rights and obligations of the Member. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the Terms of Service or the Service, please contact us at cs@vbptr.com.

Article 2. Definitions

The following words and terms shall have the meanings set forth below when they are used in the Terms of Service.

(1)“Service” means the K-pop clip videos and various contents provided to the Members by the Company and its affiliates through the smartphone device applications.

(2)“Member(s)” means the user(s) who agrees to the Company’s Terms of Service, thereby entering into the agreement of use with the company and uses the Service.

(3)“ID” means the E-mail address or the combination of letters from SNS unique code set by the Member and authorized by the Company for the purpose of identifying the Member and Member using the Service.

(4)“Password” means a combination of letters or numbers set by the Member in order to protect confidentiality and identify whether the Member matches the given ID.

(5)“Personal profile” means ID and nickname used in the Service which is given for the purpose of user identification, and it includes the images of the profile picture set by the user.

(6)“Postings(s)” means the submissions such as texts, graphics, data, articles, pictures, images, illustrations, videos, attached files and links uploaded by the Member by using the Service.

(7)“Paid Membership” means the Member paying separate cost and making a purchase, for example, of monthly subscription and in-app purchases, in order to use Paid Service

(8)“Paid Service” means one of the Company provided services that becomes available when Member pays a separate amount to the Company, or when the Member agrees to the Company’s transaction or contract term to use.

(9)“Diamond(s)” means the point(s) Member receives as reimbursement or in exchange for promotions, events, other transaction agreements, and fulfillment of conditions the Company manages, or the point(s) accumulated or purchased by the Member through watching advertisements, free charging stations, paid charging, and other services while using the Service.

(10) 'Ruby' is a free commodity that members can obtain by using the services such as watching ads and using free/paid charging stations, or receive by participating in promotions and events the company manages, agreeing to transactions, fulfilling certain conditions, and as a means of refund.

Article 3. Who May Use the Service

A Member may use the Service only if one agrees to form a binding contract with Vision Bridge Partners Corp. and is not a person barred from receiving the service under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction.

(1) By accessing or using the Service in a country where the EU GDPR amendment is implemented, a Member confirms that he or she is at least 16 years old (or over the age of legal majority in one’s country, if higher) and is fully able and competent to comply with the Company’s Terms of Service. If the Member is under 16 where applicable, he or she should not attempt to register for the Service or send any personal information to the Company. If the Company becomes aware that the Member is using the Service even though they are under 16 and are not permitted to do so, the Company will deactivate and delete the account.

(2) According to each country's law, it may lower the age limit for children requiring the consent of their legal representatives, such as parents, down till the age of 13. A Member should only sign up after fully understanding the purpose of the collection and use of personal information and after obtaining the consent of a legal representative or parents. In addition, legal representatives, such as parents, may request to view, correct, or renew the personal information of children, or withdraw their consent for membership. In such cases, the Company shall take necessary measures without any delays. If you believe a child under the minimum age that requires parents’ consent may have provided the Company with their personal information, please contact the Company at: cs@vbptr.com.

Article 4. Privacy

The Company takes the privacy of the Member very seriously. The Privacy Policy describes how the Company handles the information the Members provide, when they use the Service. Members should understand that through their use of the Service, they consent to the collection and the use (as set forth in the Privacy Policy) of the information by the Company and its affiliates.

Article 5. Member’s Account

To use some parts of the Service, a Member may need to create an account and provide certain information to the Company, including, but not limited to, E-mail address and password. The Member is responsible for safeguarding the created account, and therefore, must use a strong password and limit its use to the account. The Company cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the Member’s failure to comply with the above.

Article 6. Effect and Amendment of the Terms of Service

(1) The following Terms of Service will be in immediate effect when a user is registered as a Member and will terminate when the Member withdraws from the Service.

(2) The Terms of Service will be posted in Application > Settings > Terms of Service. The company may amend the Terms of Service from time to time and shall have the right to change the Terms of Service at any time when a reason for a change occurs. Should the revisions be legally disadvantageous to the Member, notification of the changes shall be notified to the Member by electronic means, such as E-mails, other than putting the public notice, starting 30 days before the effective date

(3) Modified Terms of Service will be posted in Application > Settings > Terms of Service and will be on immediate effect after 7 days.

(4) The most current version of the Terms will govern the relationship between the Company and the Member. By continuing to access or use the Services after those revisions become effective, the Member agrees to be bound by the revised Terms. Should the Member not agree to the amendment of the Terms of Service, he/she may choose to terminate the agreement for use of the Service.

(5) The Company will not be liable for disadvantage or loss incurred by being inattentive to the most up-to-date version of Terms of Service

(6) If the Member using a paid service does not agree to the amendments to these terms and terminates the contract, the refund policy in Article 12 (Paid Service Cancellation and Refund) in this Terms of Service will be followed.

(7) In cases where a Member signs up or logs in via services with Membership system linked to this Service, such as Facebook, Twitter, GMAIL, etc, the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between the Member and the Company regarding personal information and membership system management are subject to the terms and conditions of the service in which the Member used to link to this Service.

(8) Matters not specified in these Terms of Service shall be governed by the Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Personal Information Protection Act, and other related laws.

Article 7. Modification of the Contract details

(1) The Member can access and modify his/her personal information anytime through the personal information management page.

(2) The Member cannot change the ID registered when signing up. The ID that is once registered cannot be changed. The Member can change the password through the Service application’s password modification or password modification guideline e-mail.

(3) The Company does not hold any liability but the Member will be liable for any disadvantages caused by the loss of registered personal information or registering false information.

Article 8. Posting Advertisement

The Company may post its own or third party’s advertisements in its Service.

Article 9. Paid Service Contract

(1) There are free service and paid service that the Company provides. For separate paid service that the Company provides, the specified price must be paid to use the service.

(2) The Member must understand the Company’s described and noticed Terms of Service before entering into the contract and be able to transact accurately.

(3) The Member can use paid service provided by the Company through app store payment method. Paid service contract between the Company and the Member enters into agreement when the Company’s has approved (paid service’s procedural display “purchased/Transacted, etc.” has been shown).

(4) The Company may decline or postpone acceptance for a certain period of time until the accomplishment of small condition or the reason of restriction has been resolved in one of the following cases.

1. If subscription applicant has a history of losing the right as a Member in the past according to these terms

2. If the Member used false name or stole someone else’s information

3. If the Member provided false information or did not provide information requested by the Company

4. If the Member with a terminated contract due to not paying the service fee did not make the payment for arrears

5. If the Member is apprehended to be violating social justice and moral

6. If unable to retain maintenance or to offer service due to technical issue

7. Unable to approve acceptance due to the Member’s fault or violation on various matters while requesting for acceptance

(5) The Company may set a transaction limit for the Member’s transaction payment in monthly accumulated payments or transaction limit under the internal policy and external payment system provider’s regulations, and if the Member desires to use paid service beyond the limit that the Company has set, additional paid service may be restricted.

Article 10. Paid Service Use

(1) Paid service begins when the Company has accepted the Member’s request for paid membership (for partial services, designated date notified in advance after receiving use request) and if paid membership cannot be initiated due to Company’s technical difficulties or other reasons, announcement will be notified to the Members by following Article 6 (Effect and Amendment of the Terms of Service).

(2) The Company notifies the Member about usage request when the Member’s request has been made. When the Member finds a discordance in request in the Company’s notification, a correction or modification request must be made to the Company and the Company must follow the Member’s request. However, if the payment has already been made, the contract terminating regulation of these Terms of Service will be followed.

(3) The Company provides paid service like below and the service of contents may be changed due to the Company’s circumstances or other various conditions.

1. Automatic Subscription: Monthly payment and service period automatically renewing with payment method that Member of paid membership has registered in advance.

2. Expiring Subscription: Service that ends with expiration of service period.

3. In-app Purchase: In-app purchased Diamonds used to fulfill other transaction agreements, arrangements, and conditions implemented by the Company and third parties.

(4) When Member of paid membership has accessed the service with cellular/wireless network or used all sorts of services with application on the device while connected to cellular/wireless network, separate cellular bill will be occurred under the cellular plan that has been in contract with registered cellular company. In such circumstances, occurred cellular bill will be charged/claimed/paid by the cellular plan of contract; therefore, the Company does not take any responsibilities related to the cellular bill.

(5) Use of contents may be restricted or modified due to the terms of contract with an individual, organization, or corporation (“the rightful person, etc.”) that holds the right for the contents, whether the contract has been proceeded, or an afterward request from ‘the rightful person, etc.’. If a request has been received from ‘the rightful person, etc.’, the Company may alter the types of devices supported, the number of devices that a Member can use and more.

(6) 'Ruby' will be automatically deleted if not used within 90 days from the time of issuance or during the promotion period

Article 11. Paid Service Cost Modification

The Company may modify or increase the cost of providing paid service, in-app purchase(s) for Diamond(s) acquisition and the cost of other paid item(s) due to the necessity of management or technology and announcement is to be made in advance to the Members by following Article 6 (Effect and Amendment of the Terms of Service).

Article 12. Paid Service Cancellation and Refund

(1) Member of paid service that has not used the paid service at all may terminate the contract within 7 days of payment date, but payment cancellation or refund may be restricted under the conditions below.

1. In the case of already used all or portion of service trial, coupon, or Diamond(s) (bonus included) received through payment.

2. In the case of subscription purchased through payment that starts or applies to the service right away.

3. In the case of purchase processed due to Member’s negligence.

(2) Even if the Member of paid service has not used the paid service at all, refund is invalid if contract termination is requested after a valid period (7 days within the payment date).

(3) If the Member has canceled or terminated already purchase service, paid service can still be used during the remaining contract period.

(4) Refund is processed through the Company or by each app store’s refund policy.

(5) The Member may request for a refund through electronic mail and the Company may request for additional evidence after verifying purchase history for refund payment.

(6) If the reason for contract termination or refund is in the Company’s faults such as, discontinue of service, the charge occurred due to the refund is to be accounted by the Company. However, except for such cases, the Member will proceed and deduct the payment for any charge occurred from the benefit of using the paid service or fee required for refund.

(7) For paid service that the Member received as a gift or is using the paid service without paying due to receiving through promotion, the Company does not account the responsibility of refunding to the Member for paid service payment.

(8) If a minor has transacted without the consent of a legal representative, the minor or the legal representative may cancel the purchase. However, in the case where the minor has deceived to act as an adult or as if consent has been made by the legal representative, it cannot be canceled.

(9) In the case of monthly subscription by request or consent from Member of paid service, payment that the Member has made overdue may automatically be canceled from the day of arrears occurring, so if the Member desires to maintain the paid service, one must take action in advance to prevent payment arrears or payment method overdue.

(10) If the Member of paid service withdraws, the subscription cancels right away, and refund is invalid. In this case, the Member’s information and use history of SuperStar X service will be settled by following SuperStar X’s Terms and this Terms of Service.

(11) There may be restrictions on the use of the Service if one repeatedly requests contract termination/refund of the same reason or type, or if one continues to request a contract termination/refund for unjust reasons.

(12) Once the contract termination/refund is completed, the withdrawal of the purchased item is processed and the item purchased with Diamond(s) becomes invalidated. The item may become restricted or modified.

(13) 'Ruby' is not subject to withdrawal/refund of subscription.

Article 13. Paid Service Suspension and Termination

(1) In principle, the Company provides paid service throughout the year 24 hours per day.

(2) The Company may restrict, suspend, or terminate providing all or portion of service due to facility inspection and repairment with the purpose of service enhancement for users. In this case, the Company notifies the users in advance for the reason and duration of suspension in the method of Article 6 (Effect and Amendment of the Terms of Service) if possible and can notify right after for the reason and cause if it has been confirmed for the following cases.

1. In the case of difficulty in providing normal technical service due to a Member or other unspecified third party’s illegal, criminal act

2. In the case of difficulty in providing normal paid service due to facility disorder, cellular or wireless network disorder, or paid service’s high traffic

3. In case of any situations happening beyond the control of the Company such as natural disaster, state of national emergency, power failure

(3) The Company may gift a small benefit under SuperStar X’s service management policy for the Member’s disadvantage from service termination. However, service termination due to natural disaster or any case beyond the control of the Company does not get included in the service termination or malfunction period.

(4) The Company may modify, terminate, or alter partial or all services provided without charge for the Company’s imperative caused by the Company’s policy or management and unless there is a separate policy under its law, separate compensation does not count to be the responsibility of the Company.

Article 14. The Company’s Responsibilities

(1) The Company shall make efforts to provide the Service on the day the user has requested the usage of the Service.

(2) When the Company acknowledges that the opinions or complaints from the Member with respect to the use of the Service are justified, the Company shall handle them through proper procedures. As for the opinions or complaints from the Member, if the processing is to take a certain period of time, the Company shall inform the Member of the handling process and results.

(3) The Company shall make utmost efforts to provide convenience to the user during the process of the user’s agreement contract such as the contract of agreement of use and modification/termination of the contract details.

(4) The Company owns all rights to its Service. However, the reflection rate according to the number of votes, such as SBS INKIGAYO LIVE Voting/Hot Stage Voting, and Circle Chart view count, is applied in consultation with the subject of broadcasting/chart management and may be changed during service. In case of change, the company will guide the members.

(5) The company may collect 'voting benefit content' registered by members and use it for events, advertising, or 'voting service' purposes. Photos or graphic materials registered by 'members' must not infringe on the rights of third parties, such as copyright, trademark, and publicity rights. If the registered photos include the following cases as judged by the administrator, the final image will be replaced with a default image selected by the company in compliance with the terms of use.

Article 15. Amendment and interruption of Service

(1) The Company reserves the rights to change all or part of the Service pursuant to the operational and technical necessity.

(2) Should the changes materially affect the Member’s rights and obligations, the Company shall follow the rules stipulated in Article 6 before applying the changes to the Service.

(3) Services such as lottery and providing offline tickets, including SBS INKIGAYO tickets, may be canceled or postponed depending on circumstances. In this case, the Company will guide the members who are eligible for the ticket lottery service of that episode.

(4) The Company may perform regular checkups if it is needed to provide the Service, which may lead to a temporary discontinuation of the Service.

(5) The Company may restrict or discontinue the Service if there is a state of national emergency, checkup/replacement/breakdown/interruption of communication facilities, or significant operational reasons.

(6) The Company reserves the right to shut down the Service due to the Company’s management.

Article 16. Member’s Rights and Duties

(1) The Member may watch the VOD and contents etc. (hereinafter referred to collectively as “Content”) provided to the Member by the Service for personal and non-commercial purposes, and conduct the performances that the Company permits through the Service such as writing comments, posting, sharing, and participating in the Service.

(2) Besides the rights specified in the above, the Member receives no rights whatsoever on the Content provided by the Service.

(3) Members are responsible for all legal actions and consequences resulting from disputes with third parties over copyright, moral rights, and other issues related to content provided as a voting service benefit. The Company expressly disclaims all liability related to such content.

(4) The Member must not do any prohibited actions regarding the Content, including but not limited to the following actions, and shall abide by his/her rights and obligations detailed in these Terms of Service. A Member who acts outside the scope of permitted rights and obligations may be held responsible for both civil and penal legal consequences:

1. Arbitrarily create other video files with the Content

2. Arbitrarily upload Content on the Internet

3. Arbitrarily share Content with an unauthorized third party

4. All other acts that cause infringement of copyrights and intellectual property rights on the Content

(5) The Member shall not access the Service’s server and network system in an unauthorized manner. The Member also shall not perform any action that may disrupt the Service in any way.

(6) The Member is prohibited from taking any of the actions below:

5. Provide the Company with false information or plagiarize another person’s information

6. Violate the Company’s or a related third party’s copyright or intellectual property rights

7. Slander the Company’s or a related third party’s reputation

8. Commercially use the Service without the Company’s explicit consent

9. Impersonate the Company or spread false information in regards to the Service.

(7) When the Member was proven to have illegally used the Service but refuses to stop the illegal usage even after the Company prohibits it or asks the Member to correct the illegal use, the Member must agree not to appeal to the Company’s choice to unilaterally suspend the use of the Service, forcibly terminate the account, or proceed other suspensions.

Article 17. Member’s Posting(s)

The Company may delete the contents without prior notice, move or restrict the posting when the information created/uploaded by the Member in the Service such as the texts, documents, images, voices, or combination of these (hereinafter referred to as “Posting(s)”) is relevant to the following policy. The Member is responsible for the use of the Service and for any contents he/she uploads and provides, including compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. The Member should only provide contents that they are comfortable sharing with others. Any use or reliance on any contents or materials posted on the Service or obtained by the Member through the Service is at their own risk. The Company does not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any postings or communications posted via the Service or endorse any opinions expressed via the Service. The Member should understand that by using the Service, they may be exposed to contents that might be offensive, harmful, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate, or in some cases, postings that have been mislabeled or are otherwise deceptive. All contents are the sole responsibility of the person who posted such contents.

(1) Posting that contains hateful, defamatory, or discriminatory content against any individual or group, including the Company and any third parties such as posting publisher, and the artists of the content

(2) Posting that includes an offense against public order and morals

(3) Posting that promotes fraudulent acts or violates any law

(4) Posting that violates the Company and any third parties’ copyrights and all other rights protected by the relevant laws

(5) Posting that exceeds the posting release period according to the Company’s internal policy

(6) Posting that depicts sexually explicit contents or links to websites that contain such content

(7) Posting that goes against the internal policy regarding the Member’s posting or is inappropriate to be on the Community

(8) Posting that interrupts the operation of the Service

(9) Posting that seeks to take advantage of the Service commercially without the consent of the Company

(10) Unlawful contents prohibited to be posted in accordance with other relevant laws and regulations.

If Member's post violates the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Use and Information Protection, Copyright Act, Personal Information Protection Act, or other relevant laws, the rights holder of such postings can request suspension of the posting release or elimination from the Service according to the procedures of the relevant laws, and the Company will take actions according to such relevant laws and regulations.

(1) The posting that received more than a certain number of reports, or when the violations have been confirmed, shall be automatically deleted. The Member who created this posting may attempt to prove that it has not violated the prohibited behaviors stated in Article 17 (Member’s Postings), in order to remove the restriction.

(2) The Member who receives more than a certain number of reports, or whose violations have been confirmed, shall be restricted from creating further postings. The concerned Member may attempt to prove that he/she has not violated the prohibited behaviors stated in Article 17 (Member’s Postings), in order to remove the restriction.

(3) The Member who receives more than a certain number of reports, or whose violations have been confirmed consistently, shall be restricted from using the Service for a maximum of 90 days to protect other Members and operation of the Service.

(4) The number of reports needed for deleting postings or confirmation of violating article 17 (Member’s Postings) needed for restricting further postings and use of the Service will be appropriately set from time to time in the course of Service operation. To make an appeal about this, the Member can use the Service’s relevant features or contact through cs@vbptr.com.

Article 18. Copyrights of Postings

Copyrights of the Service and other intellectual property rights belong to the Company, and the Member who uploaded the postings in the Service holds the copyrights of his/her postings. But, when the Member directly uploads contents that includes the parts of the Service, the copyrights of the postings belongs to the Company. The Company cannot use the postings or contents included in the postings uploaded by the Member in the Service with commercial purposes without the publisher’s consent. But, when the Member directly uploads contents that includes parts of the Service, the Company can perform with commercial purposes by using such contents.

Limited use of rights given to the postings created by the Member

(1) The Company, if needed, can use the postings of the Members for the promotion of the Service. Also, the Member grants the Company the rights to translate, make technical revisions, share, and reupload the postings for the operation of the Service. This granted rights do not affect the ownership of the postings.

(2) The Member cannot use the information obtained by using the Service or contents uploaded within the Service with commercial purposes.

(3) The postings created by the Member may contain third parties’ website or links to the Service.

(4) The Company does not control the third parties’ websites or links to the Service and is not responsible for anything caused by the Member’s use of such third parties’ websites or links to the Service.

Article 19. Advertisements and Transactions with Advertisers

(1) The Company can distribute ads in the form of banner ads, post ads, video ads, etc in the areas run by the Service (including mobile and web page) which the Company operates and manages, in mails sent to Members, and in other services.

(2) The Member is responsible for any participation or transaction with the aforementioned advertiser's promotional activity proceeded in accordance with Clause 1, and the Company is not liable for any loss or damage of either party that occurs during the process of transaction or negotiation between the advertiser and the Member.

Article 20. Use Restrictions

The Company may restrict the Member’s use of the Service temporarily or permanently under the conditions below.

(1) Violating the obligations of Article 16 (Member’s Rights and Duties)

(2) Falsely registering his/her personal information

(3) Using the Service for commercial purposes or interrupting the Service usage of another person/party other than yourself

(4) Assigning, renting, or selling your ID and password to another person/party other than yourself

(5) Modifying Service client program, hacking the Server, or modifying any or all parts of the application without permission

(6) Deliberately interrupting the Company’s operation of the Service

(7) Posting information online which can possibly violate the Company or copyright holder’s copyrights

(8) Using the unique information about this Service obtained as the Member for commercial use without the consent of the Company or the copyright

(9) When it is determined that Article 17 (Member’s Postings) has been violated and user restriction is necessary

(10) In accordance with the [Information and Communication Network Utilization Promotion and Information Protection Act] and the Enforcement Decree of the same Act, the company can suspend the use of the account by separating the account to protect the personal information of Members who have not used the service for one year in a row. In this case, the company will notify the Member in advance by email 30 days before the scheduled date. Users who have been converted to a dormant account can use the Service normally through the identification and cancellation of the dormant account.

Article 21. Ending These Terms

The Member may end his/her legal agreement with the Company at any time by closing their account and discontinuing the use of the Services. The Member can withdraw the use of Service by Superstar X APP > My Page > Settings > FAQ > CLOSE MY ACCOUNT or contact through cs@vbptr.com. The Company uses the information provided by the Member after he/she withdraws from the Service in the following cases.

Please be aware that closing the account could cause elimination of all contents related to the Member’s account. When the Member withdraws from the Service, the Company may or may not check the postings saved in the Member’s account within the limits of relevant laws and this Terms of Service. If the saved postings are checked, the Member can request discontinuation of posting checks or elimination of postings through cs@vbptr.com. In the case of the Member terminating the contract, he/she should use up all remaining Diamond(s) and others before withdrawing. The Company shall not be held responsible for the restoration of any remaining balance and purchase history in the case of voluntary withdrawal after the Company has informed that the restoration of the service usage information that includes the remaining balance and purchase history is impossible after closing the account.

The Articles that needs to be maintained in essence will continue to be in effect after the termination of this Terms of Service. Such are stated in the following cases.

(1) The liability of the Member to pay the fees owed to the Company

(2) Condition of Company’s limitation of responsibility, ownership, or intellectual property rights

(3) Conditions about the disputes between the Company and the Member

Article 22. Compensation

(1) In cases where the Company or the Member has caused loss/damage to the other party due to the attributable reasons respectively, the Company or the Member is responsible and liable to compensate. In particular, if the Member infringes the contents copyright by violating Article 16 (Member’s Rights and Duties), the Member is fully responsible and liable to any civil and criminal liabilities.

(2) The Company shall not be responsible for the goods or service provided by the affiliates

Article 23. Limitation of Liability

(1) The Company shall be exempt from any responsibility related to providing the Service in the case where the Company is unable to provide the Service due to natural disasters, wars, or any force measure.

(2) The Company shall be exempt from any responsibility when there was a loss caused to a Member by using the contents unless there are attributable reasons intentionally or negligently by the Company.

(3) The Company shall not be responsible regarding the free service unless there is a special provision in the relevant laws.

Article 24. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

(1) Disputes that arise between the Company and the Member shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea.

(2) Lawsuits surrounding disputes that arise between the Company and the Member shall be brought to the jurisdiction of the Member's address at the time the lawsuit is filed. If no address is available, the lawsuit shall be brought to the district court that has jurisdiction over the Member's place of residence. However, if the Member's address of place of residence is unknown at the time of the lawsuit, the lawsuit shall be brought to the competent court stated in the Civil Procedure Act. Seoul Central District Court of the Republic of Korea. All disputes that arise between the Company and the Member with an overseas address or place of residence shall be brought exclusively to the Seoul Central District Court of the Republic of Korea, despite the previous sentence.

Addendum. The following Terms of Service will take effect from July 19, 2024.